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How To Get New Clients As A Jewelry Manufacturing/Designing Company
Do you need more clients? Good. We're going to teach you exactly what process we use to gain new clients and keep them happy for years to come. Whether you think you need clients or not, consider this. After this pandemic is over, you're going to need clients and we're...
if you own jewelry with precious stones, clean it AT HOME!
Jewelry with precious stones, clean it AT HOME, bring back the beautiful shine to your stones and jewelry. We understand the majority of the people are staying home trying to find productive activities to do how you can bring back the beautiful shine to your stones and jewelry. by any chance, if...
How To Thrive Despite The Coronavirus (COVID-19)
First of all, if you haven't seen our last 3 podcast episodes, we will leave a link below so you can check them out! They will provide you with some context of what this blog is about. What Is Your Mindset Towards The Coronavirus Don't Let The Coronavirus...
Our Initiative To The Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Kabartsy is now offering NEW online services and exclusive deals to our customers in order to ensure that we make it as easy as possible for you to shop with us or at the very least, start a relationship with you. Previously, they were only available offline, but now you can...
Motivation For 2020
We can all agree that inspiration and motivation play a huge role in a person’s success. However, it’s not enough to simply feel motivated or inspired because the most important part of your success, will be taking the first step. In that first step lies your potential for growth and ultimate greatness. Stop trying...
Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps
Himalayan Rock Lamps are awesome! They look gorgeous, beautiful, stunning and best of all, they offer a broad magnitude of benefits. From purifying the air that you breathe to boosting your mood and energy by amplifying the quality of your sleep. Himalayan Rock Lamps are made by taking a large...
F.E.A.R. (False Expectation Appearing Real)
Fear is not an illusion, on the contrary, it’s very real but not in the way you think. It is true that fear keeps us comfortable but on the flip side, it keeps us stagnant and it hinders our ability to share and move forward. Think about it, right now...
Why does gold Ring sometimes cause skin discoloration?
Why gold ring causes Discoloration, High acid sweat can cause a reaction between the gold and the skin which in turn causes the color of your skin to turn black, not due to the gold itself. Lotion or oils get trapped between the skin and when combined with the heat...
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